As at 7th August 2023
Fees are set by the Management Committee and reviewed annually. They cover the cost of Staff wages and the operating costs of the centre. Fees include:
- All meals and drinks (including breakfast)
- Nappies and wipes
- Sun cream and hats
- Individual linen
Long Day Care
$122.00 per day
$128.00 per day (casual booking)
$600.00 full week (Monday – Friday)
You may apply to Centrelink to check your eligibility to receive the Child Care Subsidy.
Families are required to give 2 weeks notice if you wish to cancel your child’s position at the Centre. This enables the Centre time to allocate the position to another child.
Hourly Charge
$25 per hour (minimum 2 hour booking)
Please feel free to phone us to find out more about our fees.
Payment of fees
All fees are payable by the close of business each week.
Methods of payment include cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS and internet banking.
A Bond is payable on enrolment, $200 per child. This is fully refundable after your child leaves the Centre and all fees have been paid
Holiday Reduction Fee
Half fees are available for four weeks per year for families who withdraw their children for holidays. Two weeks written notice must be given. “Change of Details” forms are available from the office.
Sickness Reduction Fee
When a child is absent due to sickness, regular fees apply for the first week and thereafter a 50% fee reduction will apply for a period determined by the Director. Medical Certificates must be provided.
Absent days
Families are only entitled to 42 days per financial year to claim CCS. Once absent days are used you must provide a medical certificate to still be able to claim CCS.