Long Day Care/ Hourly Charge
Jellyfish Room 0-24months (Mary St)
A strong focus in the Jellyfish Room is secure attachments and continuity between home and the centre environment. Educators work in partnership with families to ensure the best possible outcomes for children.
Seahorse Room 2-3 years (Mary St)
The Educators in this room work with families to further develop children’s independence and self-help skills, such as feeding, dressing and toileting.
Turtles Room 3-4 years (Ann St)
Educators in the Turtle Room allow children’s independence and creativity to flow freely, encouraging children to have a say in all aspects of the room, program and experiences provided.
Manta Ray Room 4-6 years (Ann St)
In these rooms the curriculum development and implementation involving children’s choice are a strong focus. Areas such as technology, friendships and school readiness are encouraged.
We offer a kindergarten program 5 days a week, employing a qualified teacher.
Each room is well resourced to provide both challenges and stimulation.